Our Team

The Data and Decision Sciences Lab is composed of top-tier researchers with years of experience in data science, operations research, and statistics projects.

Cong Wang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Mathematics, New Mexico State University, 2020
M.S., Mathematics, New Mexico State University, 2016
M.S., Mathematics, Northwest A&F University, 2016
B.S., Mathematics, Northeast University, 2012

Contact Information

  • congwang@unomaha.edu
  • (402) 554-4044


Department of Mathematics
Durham Science Center
6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182
Office: DSC 235

Research Interests

  • Parameters Estimation Using a Priori Procedure
  • Multivariate Linear Models with Skew Normal Error
  • Distributions of Quadratic Forms with Applications

Academic and Professional Experience

Cong Wang received a M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics with a concentration in Mathematical Statistics from the New Mexico State University, in 2016 and 2020, respectively. She also received another M.S. in Applied Mathematics from Northwest A&F University, China, in 2016. In August of 2020, Cong began as an Assistant Professor at the department of Mathematics at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Cong’s research interests cover several aspects on skew normal families, mainly about parameters estimations by a priori procedure and multivariate linear models on skew normal populations. For example, she has set up the a priori procedure (APP) for estimating location, scale, correlation coefficients and so on, both in the normal and the skew normal assumptions, which is an alternative to the traditional significance tests. Recently, the APP has been extended to one-way ANOVA with skew normal random effects, which is more general than the normal ones.

During Cong’s Doctoral studies, she received the Graduate Tuition Fellowship, which covered her studies for the first three years. She also received the Anna Schrufer Kist Endowed Scholarship in the Fall of 2018 and 2019. During the last year of her Ph.D., Cong was selected to receive the Preparing Future Faculty Graduate Assistantship from the Graduate School in New Mexico State University.

Selected Publications

Trafimow D., Hyman M., Kostyk A., Wang C., and Wang T., The Harmful Effect of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing on Marketing Research: An Example, Journal of Business Research (in press).

Wang C., Wang T., Trafimow D., Li H., Hu L., and Rodriguez A., Extending the a Priori Procedure (APP) to Address Correlation Coefficients, Data Science for Financial Econometrics, Studies in Computational Intelligence, N. Ngoc Thach, V. Kreinovich, and N. Duc Trung, Eds., Springer, Cham, 898 (2021).

Wang C., Wang T., Trafimow D., and Talordphop K., Extending a Priori Procedure to One-Way Analysis of Variance Model with Skew Normal Random Effects, Asian Journal of Economics and Banking, 4(2), 77-90 (2020).

Wang C., Wang T., Trafimow D., and Myuz H., Necessary Sample Size for Specified Closeness and Confidence of Matched Data under the Skew Normal Setting, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, advance online publication (2019).
